People of Kilkerran
THE LATE MR. H.C. LUTZ. Eudunda, November 9.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 18 November 1899, page 27
On Friday morning last Messrs. A. and E. Lutz, of this town, received news of the death of their father, Mr. H. C. Lutz, at South Kilkerran. The deceased gentle man, who was about 70 years of age, was born at Harz Mountains, Germany, on May 10, 1830, and arrived in Port Adelaide in 1848. Mr. Lutz first settled at the Burra, and worked in the old Burra mine for some years. He also visited the Victorian goldfields in the early fifties, and was fairly successful. Returning to South Australia, he again visited the Burra, where he married Miss J. A. C. Lutze, after which he took up a farm near Hamilton, where he resided for 20 years. From there he went to South Kilkerran, where he carried on farming for about 25 years. He leaves a widow, seven sons, and two daughters, 37 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. The cause of death was paralysis, from which he had suffered for ten weeks. The funeral, which took place at South Kilkerran, was largely attended, there being some 80 vehicles in the cortege. Pastor Hoopmann, Lutheran, officiated at the grave.
Around the Farms. Mr Hermann Kock, of Kilkerran.
Fri 28 Apr 1905, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove
Improved principles of cultivation have produced an evolution in farming, and where some fifteen years ago, when a then prominet member for the District of Stanley championed the cause of the "poor, straggling cockey," a farmer grew three or four bushels to the acre, he now, by the aid of the seed drill and fertilizers, produces as many bags per acre. Consequently the conditions of the average farmer have greatly improved during the past ten or twelve years and good fences, neat homesteads and comfortable houses art now general. A striking evidence of this may be seen by a visit to the farm of Mr Hermann Kock, who is one of the many, prosperous farmers of Kilkerran. A party called on this genial farmer the other day and were greatly struck with the general arrangements, about the farm for dispatch, comfort and convenience. The house and garden are laid out on modern lines and all appointments on the homestead are trim and up-to-date. "A place for everything and everythlng in its place" is Mr Koch's motto. A great amount of time and money have recently been spent in erecting new stone sheds, stables, &c., and in all branches of this work finish and durability have been carefully studied. In addition to a coach house, implement shed, and blacksmith's shop, a new stone stable to accommodate fourteen horses has been built, also a large hayshed capable of holding 100 tons of hay, besides an engine-room, and chaffshed, the whole carefully finished in every detail. A nine-horsepower oil engine, with chaffcutter, crusher and two sets of elevators are being fitted in position, and from a large new tank near at hand Mr Koch intends by means of a force pump to get his water supply, which can be laid on at any point. For the sake of durability iron has been used instead of wood wherever practicable, while tar and tar concrete have been liberally used on all groundwork. The building, which measures 100 x 66 feet, is lighted by means of skylights, and in the openings 18 sliding doors have been utilized. In working the farm Mr Koch, who is a most industrious farmer, adopts up-to-date methods, and during late years has had the satifaction of harvesting some splendid crops.
Around the Farms. Mr W. T. Jones, of Kilkerran.
Fri 28 Jul 1905, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove
Moving amongst the prosperous farmers of Kiikerran the other day I called at the homestead of Mr W. T. Jones, and was much struck with the indications of prosperity and comfort on every hand. Mr Jones is one of the old-fashioned farmers whose hard work and all-round systematic methods have received the reward such deserved. With a couple of splendid, well-educted dogs at our heels, which, by the way, are noted for their sagacity and speed, we made our way to the stables and soon found that in the selection of his horses Mr Jones manifests that instinct almost peculiar to Australians, his draught stock possessing those qualities of action and strength so necessary on the farm, while for carriage work his light horses are not easily beaten. Unfortunately, he has not been so successful with cattle, having lost a number through some insidious disease. However although his dairy herd is comparatively small, the animals are a credit to any farm and, like the horses (thanks to the attention of a farm hand of some 18 years service with Mr Jones), are in perfect condition. In pigs Mr Jones does a good business, supplying a good class to the Moonta markets. His sheep, it was noticed are chiefly Merinos with a food percentage of forward lambs. In poultry some good specimens of golden Wyandotte and Malay game were seen together with some nice brown and white Leghorns. Two or three haystacks and a chaffcutting plant guarantee stock a supply of forage for some time to come, even if grass were not so plentiful as at present, while numerous tanks and dams conserve an abundant supply of water. In producing crops Mr Jones has been most successful and mentioned that the varieties of wheat Gamma, Marshall's and Silver King had given much satisfaction. Passing his capacious stone sheds, seed drills, combined harvesters, hay harvesting and other machinery, together with several traps, &c, were noted. A smith's shop near at hand is frequently utilized for repairs to implements, &c. A well-worked vineyard near the house gives good results. In the home provision is made not only for the material wants of the race but also for the musical capacities of his household and friends, so that in the congenial atmosphere of the home an enjoyable evening may be spent.
Around the Farms. Mr Hermann Koch, of Kilkerran.
Fri 24 Nov 1905, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove
No district in the State, perhaps, has benefited more by the use of the seed drill and artificial manures than Kilkerran. Not only has the modern method given a great impetus to cultivation, inspiring farmers with a confidence in the capabilities of the land hitherto unknown but it has largely added to the sound evidences of prosperity which may now be seen on every hand. Old wooden and steel wire fences have been replaced by iron posts and galvanized wire, dangerous straw sheds by stone and galvanized iron structures and modest farm cottages by substantial residences often combining not only durability and comfort, but also beauty of architectural design. Abundant evidence of this is furnished by a visit to the model farm of Mr Hermann Koch, of Kilkerran, where buildings, fences, tanks, &c. are provided which impress the visitor with an idea of durability as well as finish. The house is modern is style, roomy, and is really an example of the artisan's skill seldom found on a country dwelling. A large hay shed, capable of holding 100 tons of hay, a chaff shed, engine room, coach house and smith's shop are also splendidly made, no trouble or expense having been spared in their construction which has been carried out strictly with a view to stability and convenience. Cement and coal tar have been liberally used as a protection against weather and the ravages of termites and all woodwork has been well painted. An oil engine with chaffcutter and crusher are in position and a powerful force pump will probably be utilized ere long to pump water from a large new tank near by so that it may be laid on at necessary points around the homestead. Peas, cucumbers and other vegetables are produced on the farm and in a nice flower garden a beautiful display of roses, climbing lilac, scented foxglove and a host of lovely floral varieties were seen. In the production of crops Mr Koch has been most successful in the past and the prospects for this season are fully up to the average. Not only on the fallowed land, on which a lot of time has been spent with cultivators, &c., but also on ground ploughed at seeding time some fine crops may be seen. One field which has been cropped almost incessantly for eight years past has now a lovely crop of the Gamma variety which really excites the surprise of veteran farmers. Some heavy crops of White and Scotch Grey oats were inspected Mr Kock's horses, which combine the qualities of strength and action, are always in the pink of condition, which is not wonderful, seeing that whenever not actually working the nosebag is in evidence. Cows have not thriven too well on the farm on account of the too common cattle disease. In poultry Minorca and Andalusians were the varieties noticed. Splendid fences and iron gates with sturdy gateposts are noticeable features about the farm. Methods of repairs to machinery, harness, &c. by means of wire, greenhide and binder twine are almost unknown on Mr Koch's farm and it is no exaggeration to say that to a youth anxious to learn practical farming, a year with Mr Koch would be fairly equivalent to a term at an agricultural college.
Around the Farms. Mr Joseph Moody of Gortmore.
Fri 1 Dec 1905, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove
Gortmore it a name long associated with the history of Kilkerran and is well known ms the residence of Mr Joseph Moody, who is one of the early pioneers of the district. Standing on a grassy rise it forms a prominent landmark visible from distant points in the direction of Moonta on the north, fort Victoria on the south and Maitland on the east while its glittering roof and tall chimneys may be descried from the decks of vessels whose white sails may be seen daily as they pass up and down the gulf on the west. Mr Moody and his family saw this district in the early days when wild animals had almost undisputed possession of the forests; they witnessed the exploits of the Stump jump plough by means of which the dense scrub was converted into fruitful cornfieldsand the still later method of cultivation evolved by the introduction of the seed drill and the use of fertilizers. How the Gortrmore estate comprises some very valuable land, carrying large flocks of sheep while for the, production of cereals it is not easily beaten. All the latest methods are employed in the working of the Gortmore fields. The land is fallowed, well worked, the seed is drilled with superphosphate and the reaping and cleaning are done by mean's of harvesters, three of which, fit and trim, are now in the shed awaiting the harvestide. Some fine stacks of old hay may still be seen on the farm and these will be further augmented by a large quantity now being cut with binders. Chaffing is done by means of a strong horsepower chaffcutter with modern elevator attachment. A new barn has just been erected together with a well appointed shearing shed. In the barn a cemented tank for pickling seed wheat has been made and in this several bags may be pickled at once. Bant is a thing almost unknown in the Gortmere crops. Around the house some healthy looking fir trees and Kingston sheoaks were noticed. The hardy carob tree also thrives well but the sea winds seem too strong for gums, pepper trees, &c. Miss Moody, who courteously showed the visitors through the gardens, and who Is thoroughly conversant with farm matters, mentioned that through disease a good deal of trouble has been experienced in the vineyard. Spraying, however, has been effectually tried and the vines are now looking splendid. A new flower garden has heen laid out and in the summer house some lovely ferns, pelargoniums, begonas, &c, were noticed. A capital lot of horses, comprising light and heavy stock, were seen, most of them having been bred on the farm. The cattle are a well bred lot and among them are some prizetakers. Merino sheep are most favored and the clip this year was quite up to the average. In poultry the heavier breeds were noticed and these prove their business acumen by laying in the winter when eggs are dear. A glance at the pig pen revealed some good Berkshires. A very large dam of water near-by enables geese to be bred on an extensive scale. A smith's shop is provided and in this Mr Moody's two sons, Messrs A. and B. Moody repair implements, shoe horses, do all other smith's work needing attention, and in addition to this all harness is repaired and collars stuffed on the farm. A prepared cricket pitch was noticed near the house and it was ascertained that Messrs A. and B. Moody take a great interest in the manly game. In the annals of Ktlkerran cricket no name stands more prominent than that of the Messrs Moody and in the run records many a century stands opposite their respective names. The rising port of Balgowan, in close proximity to Groimore has lately been opened and is proving a great conventeace as an outlet for wool, wheat and the general products of the estate. Our visit to Gortmere was much enjoyed.
Around the Farms. Mr W. Kanaley, of Glengrove.
Fri 19 Jan 1906, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove
A couple of miles south of the Kilkerran post office we arrived at Glengrove, where we were met by the proprietor, Mr W. Kanaley, who welcomed us in his usual hearty manner. The rattle of the winnower was heard near the barn and it was found that the workmen were treating a splendid sample of Algerian oats which has just been reaped, and which gave a goodly return per acre. A stack of Cape barley was inspected and this proved to contain a well-matured sample of this variety of grain. Broad fields of wheat were fast ripening off and ere this appears in print Mr Kanaley will probably be harvesting one of the best crops grown by him and one of the best in this favored district. Mr Kanaley has adopted latest methods of cultivation and has been rewarded with good results. The Iand which is never over-cropped, is fallowed in proper season and, with a view to cleaning the ground and also to conserving the moisture, is kept loose by the use of the paring plough or cultivator. Sheep, which now-a-days are indispensable on a farm, feed off any noxious herbage which may appear on the fallow during the summer months thus improving the condition of the sheep, increasing the wool clip and at the same time facilitating the production of crops. All seed is carefully put through a grader and the result is seen in the absence of foreign growth in the crops this season. The crops are taken off by means of the combined harvesters, a waggon being kept going on the road carting the wheat to Balgowan. Looking through the stables a fine class of horses was observed. In addition to several smart, light stock, some splendid strong-set draughts were seen in fact, Mr Kanaley's waggon team will compare favorably with any team on the road. His cattle are well worthy of mention. One or two cows, particularly, which combine unusual size with fine appearance, are of a class rarely seen on a farm and if exhibited would certainly carry off first honours at any ordinary country show. Around the homestead convenient sheds, barns, tanks &c were noticed some of which have been built by a trustworthy employe who has seen 13 years service on the farm. In the vineyard Mr Kanaley has used the cultivator freely and has not spared manure. The vines, which include both early and late varieties have made splendid growth and are loaded with grapes. It was mentioned that small birds proved very destructive last year. The flower garden surrounding a well-built, comfortable resident showed a beautiful display of color, large beds of chrysanthemums including some choice varieties. A nice, collection of ferns in charge of the Misses Kanaley were much admired. Mr Kanaley, who settled in Kilkerran many years ago, is well aquainted with the early history of the district and in conversation respecting the crops of to-day reverted to the days when farming was indeed an up-hill vocation. He and his family take a great interest in cricket and for years past at all neighbouring matches Mr Kanaley has ably filled the position of umpire for the local team. The heartiness of our host, hostess and family rendered our visit to Gleogrove most enjoyable.
Saturday 3 September 1927, Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931) Trove
Mr. C. F. G. Heinrich died at his residence, Kilkerran, near Maitland, on August 26. Forty-five of the 65 years of his life were spent on Yorke Peninsula, to which he went from Tanunda, his birthplace, to work on a farm at South Kilkerran for his father, Mr. F. W. Heinrich. At the age of 20 he acquired from his father a block at North Kilkerran. and set to work to clear it. In 1884 he took his bride, Miss Louise Heinrich, of Edithburgh to a little two roomed cottage on his block. By marked courage in the face of many difficulties, he made substantial progress in his farming operations, and gradually enlarged his holding, until, at the time of his death he owned a large property at Kilkerran, and another in the hundred of Muloowurtie. His homestead, 'Wahroonga,' was a model of all that a farm should be. Mr. Heinrich was a man of remarkable judgment, and his progressive, sound methods of farming gave a distinct lead to agriculture on the peninsula. Everything in the way of farming machinery was tried and tested, and if found practical, adopted. His advice was sought frequently by implement manufacturers with regard to improvements. His knowledge of building construction was turned to valuable account in the erection of his splendid residence and the housing accommodation for his farm stock and implements. He was honorary architect to the Maitland Hospital and the Tiparra West Congregational Church. He took his full share of pubic duties. For more than 20 years he was a member of the Yorke Peninsula District Council, representing Kilkerran ward. He was on the Maitland Hospital Board from its inception, and for a term was chairman. The building of the Balgowan jetty was largely due to his energy. Before the Government took over the Point Pearce Mission Station he was one of its directors, and the natives on many occasions gave evidence of their esteem for him. He was a staunch believer in cooperation, and gave strong support to the Farmers' Union. The Yorke Peninsula barley pool found in him an earnest advocate, and in addition to being one of the original guarantors, he took a seat on the board. He was also one of the founders and directors of the Y.P. Traders, Ltd., which supplied interstate shipping for the barley pool. Several times Mr. Henrich declined nomination for Parliament. He was a justice of the peace. In the midst of all his public activities, Mr. Heinrich always found time to give attention to church matters. He was a faithful worker for St. John's Lutheran Church, South Kilkerran, of which he was elder and treasurer for 30 years, and lay reader for 20 years. He regularly attended the district and general synods as delegate, and he was for a number of years a member of the board of Immanuel College, North Adelaide. He left a widow, two sons (Messrs. C, B. A. and C. E. Heinrich, Kilkerran), and eight daughters (Mesdames Kuchel, Malvern; Grane, Taplan: Gersch, Nuriootpa; Keller, Prospect. and Jericho, Tiparra), and Misses Olive, Flora, and Serena Henrich. Mr. Heinrich's death is a severe loss to the peninsula community.