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Books about Yorketown
Yorketown : where five roads meet (1994)
100 years to remember, Yorketown school, 1878-1978 (1978)
St. Pauls centenary, Yorketown, 1878-1978. (1978)
Re-dedication of war memorial at Yorketown & Melville Soldiers Memorial Park (2002)
Yorketown Baptist Church, a short history centenary celebrations 1883-1983 (1983)
St. Columba's Church, Yorketown, South Australia, 1903-2003 : a century of inspiration
Yorketown R.S.L. sub-branch 75th anniversary 1920-1995. Mackinlay, Mick (1995)
Centenary cook book, 1878-1978 / by St. Paul's Lutheran Women, Yorketown (1978)
Lutheran jubilee 150 cook book, 1838-1988. Vol. 2 by St. Pauls's Congregation, (1988)
Yorketown Council District centenary celebrations : souvenir programme April 14th to 20th 1937
District Council of Yorke Peninsula - History of
Yorketown takes its name from the Peninsula*. *Place Names of Australia.
In the early days the settlers called it "Weaners Flat," it being the locality where the pastoralists separated the lambs from the ewes*. *Four Make One, Page 16.
In 1876 the name was changed to Yorketown.
At one time it was suggested it be named Salt Lake City, for within the 12.8 kilometres (8 miles) of Yorketown are approximately 200 salt lakes. These lakes range from .405 hectare (1 acre) to the 972 hectare (2400 acre) Lake Fowler, which is about 3 miles long*. *The Ill Shaped Leg, Page 112.
In 1890 a refinery commenced operations at Birkenhead and for many years the locality prospered with the scraping, bagging and transporting of salt from the lakes to Coobowie where there was a storage shed capable of holding 4000 tonnes*. *Four Make One, Page 39.
The industry flourished until 1927 when the production dropped progressively lower until it ceased altogether in the 1950's when the Australian Salt Co. Ltd. closed its refinery at Edithburgh.
It was stated by Mr. von Bertouch that the distances from Yorketown to other places on the Peninsula, as the crow flies, were as follows:—"To Government townships, Coobowie (Salt Creek), 7 miles; Pickering, 8 1/2 miles; Stanbury, 13 miles; Edithburgh, 9 miles; Honiton (Diamond Lake), 6 1/4 miles; Minlaton (Gum Flat), 17 miles. Private townships—Port Moorowie, 7 1/2 miles; Warooka, 11 1/2 miles; Oaklands, 5 1/4 miles; Moorowie (head station), 7 1/4 miles; Penton Vale, 3 1/2 miles; Orrie Cowie, 16 1/2 miles; Tucock Cowie, 10 1/2 miles. The distance between Minlaton and Stansbury was 14 1/2 miles, and between Edithburgh and Stansbury 12 miles.
Yorketown street scene 1860? - State Library of South Australia - B 26682
View of Yorketown, Yorke Peninsula 1890 - State Library of South Australia - B 11474
Melville Hotel, Yorketown 1891 - State Library of South Australia - B 9707
View of the single storey Yorketown Town Hall, with a small, picket-fenced church with a high gable roof of corrugated iron, and then a second public building with low stone fence. A solitary street lamp stand outside the town hall. 1900 - State Library of South Australia - B 72833
[General description] View along the Edithburg Road to the Melville Hotel in the distance. Shops line the road with part of the Town Hall being seen on the right. The Yorketown Bakery is run by B.H. Farrow. [On back of photograph] 'Yorketown / The Edithburgh Road / 1932 / Reproduced in Chronicle for September 22, 1932'
State Library of South Australia - B 8279
[General description] This view shows the Melville Hotel (c. 1871) situated on the intersection at the centre of the township. It is a large two storey stone building with iron lace decorated verandahs. Mrs. Nellie M. Johnson is the licensee at this time. [On back of photograph] 'Yorketown / The main street / 1932 / Reproduced in Chronicle for September 22, 1932' - State Library of South Australia - B 8281
Lutheran church, Yorketown 1880 - State Library of South Australia - B 11716
Masonic Hall Yorketown was established in 1910 and stood on the Edithburgh Road 1932 - State Library of South Australia - B 8307
Town Hall, Yorketown was built after a donation of the site was made by Dr. M Erichsen in memory of his late father, a former mayor of Yorketown. According to the Advertiser 4th March 1947 the new Town Hall would contain a main hall, supper room, smoker's lounge and a stage 1932
State Library of South Australia - B 8308
Family picnic after a car rally from Maitland [see B21276] 1911 - State Library of South Australia - B 21279
A bush picnic at Yorketown, far right is Rich Thomas McFarlane storekeeper 1913 - State Library of South Australia - B 46268/48
A farmer with a team of four horses working the soil with a piece of farming equipment made from wood, used for harrowing 1887
State Library of South Australia - B 59551
GA1350 - State Records of South Australia
Yorketown Area School
Date Range: by 1914 - ct Inventory of Series Description
Yorketown Area School is a rural school located on the Yorke Peninsula situated approximately 220kms from Adelaide. The school was started in approx 1878 as a primary school and changed to Yorketown Higher Primary in 1933. It became an area school in 1943. In 1976 the school was relocated to new premises on the eastern side of town.
It now [2003] has approx 240 students and also caters for community needs with a community library and gym. The school provides education from reception to year 12 students.
Contents Date Range Series Date Range Number of Units Public Access Series Id Series Title
1914 - 1987 1914 - 1987 3 Part Open GRS/9252 Admission registers - Yorketown Area School
Pioneer (Yorketown, SA : 1898 - 1954), Friday 20 April 1951, page 1
Yorketown Area School
In 1874 Mr. E. S. Schroeder was appointed as Head Teacher of a newly-opened school at Weaner's Flat. This was the early name for Yorketown, and was so called because the locality was an ideal "weaning station" for pastoralists.
Yorketown School was opened in 1876 with Mr. Schroeder as Head Teacher. There was private school at Oaklands as early as May, 1878. The Departmental School was opened in July, 1881, with Mr. Kennedy as H.T.
The Mount Melville Provisional School opened in September, 1878, with ten pupils on the roll. This school was re-named as Sunbury in 1889.
In November, 1878, the Diamond Lake School was established with Mr. Hayes as the flrst teacher in charge. From 1888 this school was known as Honiton.
The Lake Sunday School was opened in December 1881, with Miss H. Miller as Head Teacher.
PIONEER & EXPLORER'S DAY This year the school is anxious to hear from early pupils of the Yorketown School. All who attended in the year 1901 are especially invited to be present at the school on Monday afternoon, April 30th. at 1.45 p.m.

Friday 7 December 1877, Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922) Trove
This is the most thriving township in the southern portion of Yorke's Peninsula, and bids fair to become a place of importance. It is well situated about 10 miles from Edithburgh, in the midst of a good agricultural country. It can boast of over a hundred buildings, private and public, and a new Post and Telegraph Office is just near completion. It has a mill, a Bank a number of stores, two or three places of worship, a resident surgeon (Dr. Vonnida), and two excellent hostelries (Wicklein's and Rossiter's). The former serves as a Court-House, and one of its passages is a budding Chancery-lane, as members of the legal fraternity have chambers there. Half-a-dozen new rooms are to be added to this hotel shortly, to accommodate the increasing business.
When we arrived, being market-day, the place was very busy auction sales of cattle and implements had been held, and buyers and sellers were fraternising, ere they separated for their several homes. The crops in this district promise to yield an average of 12 or 16 bushels to the acre, but some early-sown crops on new land will turn out a great deal more. Rust has scarcely been seen here, and has done little or no damage. There have been some, fine, paddocks of hay; we were shown one of 160. acres, the owner of which-was offered £400 for the standing crop. He accepted the offer, and it is said that the buyer also made a good thing out of the transaction. Leaving Yorketown we drove past Sunbury—a village of two tenements—to Moorowie head station, where we remained the night and enjoyed the hospitalities of Mr. G. Phillips, J.P., but as we put in at Moorowie again on the return journey I shall have a few words to say in reference to that place lower down. Moderately early on Sunday morning we left the station and crossed the Moorowie Swamp, a barren waste, where tradition has it that two dozen bullocks were required to drag an empty dray out of the bog, and many other teams have come to worse grief. Though there is a crisp crust of thin salt and limestone at this season of the year, the swamp is exceedingly treacherous in the winter, and forms an almost impassable barrier to traffic. A sum of £1,900 is to be expended by the Government in making two miles of road across this swamp, and certainly no money could be better expended, as a very large tract of country beyond to the south-west is almost cut off from civilization by tliis dismal expanse of salt and scrub, which extends to the foot of the Peesey Ranges. To wind one's way up the latter, and see the rich soil and tine fields of wheat, the homesteads that peep out here and there in the landscape, and the evidences of prosperity that surround one on all sides, is like going from darkness to daylight, or from the depths of poverty to affluence, when the comparison is drawn between the Peesey Ranges and the Moorowie Swamp. From the top of the hill a fine view is obtained of Hardwicke Bay and the jetty at Point Turton. Here is located the Township of...
a distance of seven or eight miles. Here I received a repetition of the same treatment as before, and learned many interesting facts relative to that part of the country where Mr. Phillips has been settled for some 26 years. The station is the property of Mr. Wm. Fowler, of Yaroo, and comprises 16,000 acres. The soil is light, with limestone near the surface and blue clay beneath. The station is well watered with never-failing springs, and watering places for the cattle are made by simply sinking two or three feet, and constructing a dam. Excellent Merino sheep and some Lincoln crossbreds are reared here, and the station bears the evidence of being well managed. Mr. Phillips appears to have completely solved the problem of how to get rid of the rabbit pest. He paid £9-per block for four square miles, on which the rabbits were exterminated in one month by the contractor, with two extrahands and some dogs. His modus operandi was to dig down a funnel-shaped hole into the burrows, and cut the leads. The rabbits were smothered in the light soil, and very few got out alive. Those that escaped from the holes were caught by the dogs, and now there is not a rabbit to be seen on the four square miles of country, while they are numerous enough on the adjoining blocks. Mr. Phillips estimates that he can get the whole run cleared of the pest at a cost of £1 5s. per hundred acres, and if so this information will be valuable to other station-holders. Our last place of inspection on the Peninsula was PORT MOOROWIE.

Thursday 29 Nov 1883, South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Trove
Yorketown is considerably larger and a much more pretentious place than Edithburgh. The two hotels are well kept, clean, and very comfortable. The stores are large and substantial, and most of the dwelling homes stand in the centre of well-arranged flower gardens. The town is admirably laid out, and its clean and orderly condition reflects credit on the authorities. The courthouse is a handsome building, and so also is the post and telegraph office. Mr. Mathews, the local postmaster, is an intelligent and enthusiastic naturalist and botanist, and devotes most of the little spare time he has not only to storing his own mind with useful information, but in seeking to cultivate in the minds of others a love of science for its own sake. To judge of the morality of the place, from the number of churches one is led to suppose it must, or ought to be very high. There are six places of worship—Roman Catholic, Anglican, Wesleyan, Baptist, and two Lutheran. The State school is a plain neat building, and has accommodation for about eighty children. The local flour mill is reputed to have beaten Adelaide flour out of the market, and Mr. Nankervis, its owner, has spared no expense so as to produce a good article. The town generally has the appearance of comfort, is compact, and contains the largest population of any place on the peninsula south of Moonta. It is also centrally situated, and most of the surrounding country is of average quality. A few fruit and vegetable gardens have been started in the immediate neighborhood, and so far have succeeded well. About five miles east of Yorketown lies Penton Vale, an agricultural area, in which is situated the village of Oaklands. Not much of this district has been laid under cultivation, but the few paddocks to be seen look well, and about ten bushels per acre are expected. Most of the land about here is used for sheep-grazing, and is owned by Messrs. Anstey & Giles, who are old settlers.

YORKETOWN. Twelve Pioneers of S.Y.P. Ages Total Over 1,000 Years
Fri 2 Aug 1935, The Pioneer (Yorketown, SA : 1898 - 1954)
It is interesting to note that the twelve names recorded below are well known residents of Southern Yorke Peninsula, whose combined ages total 1,012 years.
These hardy old pioneers have borne the heat and burden of the day, and we appreciate what they have done in making: Southern Yorke Peninsula a fit place in which to live. Most of them have been in the district for over 50 years.
No doubt there are other residents in districts where the "Pioneer" circulates of whom we have not particulars,
whose names could well be included in this list. Perhaps our readers will help us to make up another dozen. Whether one dozen or two, we wish them all every happiness in their declining years:—
Mr. J. F. C. Gutsche, - 83 years
Mr. J. Hoile, - 87 years
Mrs. Hewton, sen, - 90 years
Pastor Hoopmann, - 88 years
Mrs. Hoopmann, - 81 years
Mr. H. F. Koop, - 80 years
Mr. O. Klem, - 86 years
Mr. J. Nation, - 83 years
Mrs. W. Riddle, - 82 years
Mr. O. G. Rechner, - 83 years
Mr. C. Twartz, - 86 years
Mr. A. Thomson, - 83 years
Total --------------1,012 years.
On October 28 Mr. G. Lehmann, of Yorketown, celebrated his 92nd year. Mr. Lehmann was married in 1857, and his wife and six children are alive and well. Mrs. Lehmann reached her 88th year on September 20. The eldest son (Fred) is 64 years of age, and the eldest daughter (Mrs. Mary Domaschenz) is 62. Miss Louisa Lehmann is 58. The third son (Win.) resides at Mount Tongue, and is 53. The youngest daughter (Mrs. Kossas, of Edithburgh) reached her 50th year on October 17. The youngest son (Mr. Gus. Lehmann was 45 on October 8. He Has been residing in West Australia for 25 years; and is expected home at Christmas time. Five of the children were born in Germany and four in South Australia. Two daughters and a son have passed from this life. The combined ages of those mentioned above reach 512 years.
In the early days of settlement on Southern Yorke's, Peninsula the regular traders to Cobowie, or Salt Creek, as it was then called, were the old Omeo, schooner, in charge of Alexander Reid, and the Sultana, cutter, owned by Abraham Martin. By these vessels settlers and cargo were taken to and fro. The mails were carried on horseback once a week. Robert Scott, of Lake Sunday, was the contractor for the Weaver's Flat mail. This was before Yorketown was laid out for settlement. The postmaster at that time was Edward Jacobs, and his office was a small room at the back of the shop now known as. Erichsen's. Weaver's Flat was the then official name of the office, and letters were so date stamped. It was in the early seventies that a portion of the present township was laid out and named Yorketown by Mr. Beaumont, who built the Melville Hotel. Mr. Jacobs gave the land comprising the central portion of the area, to which five main roads lead from Warooka, Moonta, Stansbury, Edithburgh, and Moorowie. In 1876 the late Sir Charles Todd selected the site for the post office, and building operations soon began. In October, 1876, Mr. J. McL. Johnstone, the present head of the postal inspection branch, took charge from Mr. Jacobs, and opened the post and telegraph office of Yorketown in a room about eight by ten, at the back of Jacobs's store, and adjoining his office. Mr. Johnstone remained in charge for a few weeks, and handed over the office to a Mrs. Anstey. In March. 1877, Mr. Mathews was transferred to Yorketown, and Mrs. Anstey went to Edithburgh. Great delays were caused by contractors and men over the erection of the new building, and instructions were given by the department to take possession of the premises, although they were not quite finished. Mr. Frank Marchant a stepson of the late John Marston) was the first messenger, and for years constituted the balance of the staff.
In a few years the horseback mail service gave place to coaches, owned by a Mr. Opie, and which used to run from Moonta to Edithburgh two or three times a week. Trade increased, and the steamer Glenelg, under Capt. Brimage, and the Ceres, in charge of Capt. Germein, used to come to Edithburgh, giving an additional mail. At about that time, chiefly through the instrumentality of the Mr. Ebenezer Ward, who was a member for the district, a road was made through Peasey's Swamp to Warooka, followed later by telegraphic and mail communication connecting that town and Stansbury with the Yorketown office. A Russian war scare in 1885 was responsible for the present telephone line to Cape Spencer, which was erected hurriedly without any previous survey. Subsequently the cable connecting the mainland with the Althorpe's Lighthouse was laid down without out any preliminary work having been done. The cable was heavy, and proved its worth, but it eventually chafed through, owing to tidal stress, and although once repaired soon gave way again, which necessitated its being relaid in its present position, near Marion Bay.
Yorketown owes its present prosperous state primarily to the salt industry, so ardently fostered and worked by Monsieur Toechi (the first man to start it, and who, held the lake situated about a mile east of Yorketown), Mr. Thomas Wood, and other pioneers who had faith in the place. It was in 1874 that Mons. Toechi began the salt industry. The remains of the old- works are still in the south end of the lagoon.
Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Saturday 16 May 1914, page 46
From P. T. Kenny, Colton:—"In The Register of April 28, under the heading 'Early Days Recalled/ the writer makes some slight mistakes. In the first place Yorketown was never called Weaner's, but Weaner's Flat. The late Edward Jacobs built a store at Weaner's Flat in the early part of 1871, and the man who built it was John Johnson. Charlie Elkins was the mailman about that time. My father, the late" Michael Kenny, had tliecontract later in the seventies.. The mail then ran pht# | Week to Moonta, in a on£-horse: bugeye / Afo ;brother,. M. E. Kenny vof Broken SsS^.ftfid 1 drove the mail until it left MoontaV ;\The last trip I drove the one horae rfrbm five miles farther than Yorkefcownto Moonta without unharnessing him—a;big chestnut horse"nained Fox, Not one chain of the Toad wag e ithhrclearea or metalled. He showed no aij^Oftaredness. The next mail was ruuk^rbm Kulara—I forget the contractor^ hame, bat think. It was Johnstone. Robert Scott, of Lake Sunday, bought him -.but. The late Mr. Jacobs was the first Mayor of Yorketown, and the first resident ot Weaner's Flat, now known as Yorketown, and he is.buried in the Oathqlic Cemetery at Yorketoivn.' i left the "district" before the Opies' time."

Back to Yorketown" CARNIVAL
The movement, originated by Mr. Ji E. rear.con, to have a "Back to Yorketown' - Week, has resulted in a most unqualified success. From the first committee meeting held on July 25, until the last day of the carnival, Saturday, October 34, much has been said and done to help in the success of the event. A few have poured cold water on the scheme, but, like the poor; the pessimists are ever with US. i„ fact, we used a little of the cold water business ourselves at the start, our argument being that the time was not opportune—that the jubilee of the hence, would be a more fining occasion to bring the pioneers "back to Yorketown," but wise heads took up the slogan and worked ii to a 5UCcessful and final dima*. The main feature of this carnival was tlie inviia-, lion to oM and (armot t^idiuk (6 coinc back to Vorketown and renew . . . . ,. • ® ld f s f Be "\, and a o1 ?, i ™ Ild !i inev came irom all quarters—real j oH-iimers—those who bore ihc brunt of the pioneering work some 50 years ago. In those days ihc farmer kepi the farm—not, as in our day, the farm keep the farnjer. He (oiled early and toiled late, and by the sweat of hie brow he wrought wonders on virgin soil with crude implements and strong muscles.
IN THE EARLY DAYS. What the Pioneers Found. The men who came here in "70s did not find a land pleasing to the eye by any means. Blair's Cyclopedia of Australia, prepared in 1878, says;—. "Yorke Peninsula is a tract of land lying between the Gulf of St. Vincent on the east and Spencer's Gulf on the west, and running out in a southerly direction in the shape of a boat. It comprises a vast extent of pastoral country, most of which is taken up as sheep runs. The entire country if almost destitute of surface water, there being no running streams worthy the name, but numerous wells have been sunk by s_tockowncrs > and j water is obtained- in the swamps, which abound during ajid for a time j after wc-t seasons. The country genj orally comprises dry,- scrubby, uni dulating. sandy rises, and salt lagoons and swamps with teatree and patches j of rank swamp vegetation. Also | thinly grassed plains, lightly timbered j with oak, cherry, teatree, dwarf mallee, peppermint, spinifex, and blackgrass. Parts of the district, alonji thccoast especially, are almost unavail-?b, c for stock on account of the ina. ; larietrs exhalations v/hich risr from ; the mangrove swamps, and which j cause a dangerous malady, known as , l ' lc coafil disease. The entire area of the country mav be described as a scrubby j nter Sperscd with open plains covered with scanty herbage. Underneath is a crugt of limestone extending over its entire area and npfc a rock, nor hill, not a gully nor watercourse is to. be seen for miles. —Saturday, October 7.— On this first day of the carnival the steamer Warrawce brought a large number of old friends back to the Peninsula. Others came in the steaj mer Juno to Stansbury thc^samc day. i At the Soldiers' Park, where the ( Yorketown Returned Soldiers were holding an athletic sports meeting, the Mayor (Mr. Jas. Ferguson) extended a welcome to those who had come back, and hoped that-they would have a good time. O n Sunday services were held in the various churches. The Baptist Church celebrated its anniversary and the Rev. David Woods preached three times to large congregations. [CoNiiNUED ON PAGE 3.]
JAS. FERGUSON, ESQ., President of the Carnival Committee
J. E. PEARSON, ESQ., Organizing Secretary
4 Back to Yorketown. 5 [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 ] —Monday, October 9.— CIVIC RECEPTION At the civic reception in the Town Hall Mr. Jas. Ferguson, President of the Carnival and Mayor of Yorketown, presided. He was supported by Mr. J. E. Pearson (Organising Secretary) and Messrs. R. Newbold, J.P., F. Taheny, J.P., R. McKenzie, J. Nation, W. Daly, C. Parrington, and Father MacNamara The Chairman said:—"The object of this 'Back to Yorkctown' Carnival is variously described according to the mind of the one giving the description. To the many it is simply a week of enjoyment—a week of excitement. To others it is an attempt to boost the Show and the business places of the town. To some it is an opportunity for one or two individuals to bask in the limelight, but to the few, and they are the only ones that count it is to do honour to the pioneers who bore the heat and burden of the day so that we in this generation might live in comparative luxury. On this, the deeper significance of the carnival, I will not dwell, for a good reason, and that is that another speaker will handle the subject much better than I. My first duty is to extend a very hearty welcome to all visitors, particularly to pioneers and former residents, and to express the hopes of the committee that you will all have a most enjoyable time with us. I also extend a cordial welcome to residents who, bv their presence here to-night, show their appreciation of the visit of old friends. I hope they will assist the committee to make the week an enjoyable one" for our visitors. In one vay it is to be regretted that we have to welcome former residents: it would perhaps have been better had they never left the district. That many have left is not to be wondered at, considering the many disadvantages ve have to contend with. For instance, when a family grows up and higher education is required, you can quite understand parents hjtving to consider whether they will allow their children to leave their home or whether the home must leave the district. Politicians often deplore the fact that the cities are becoming overcrowded and the country districts are being depopulated, yet nothing seems to be done to mend matters. We have, no railways, no water supply, an indifferent postal service, besides lacking many conveniences which are demanded by modern civilisation. Even our public officials are not housed as they might be, at least I am quite sure there are few Government officials who would leave their comfortable homes in the city and suburbs to exchange with their brethern here. Notwithstanding all these drawbacks we are a prosperous people, and if evidence is wanted to prove this statement I would ask those who left here some years ago for land* flowing with milk and honey to try and buy back their old homesteads. I . do not know that this district is famous for its honey, but it bids fair to be famous for its milk supply. During the past twelve months no less than 3 butter factories have been established within 20 miles of Yorketo.wn, and notwithstanding the fact that all of them are getting very solid support, the supply of farm produce to the local stores is greater to-day than before the opening of the factories. City life has its attractions, but I maintain that the man who takes to country life lives a fuller and wider life that he would in the city. He has opportunities of seeing behind the scenes, and taking part in local government, in political wire-pulling, in church management and in conducting the affairs of clubs and societies which are formed for the benefit or amusement of his fellows In the city such expediences are confined to a comparative Public hfe, H however, does not always mean a bed of roses. Public-men do rqr^ rather should not, object to op~pp-< It is the back-biting and black-balling section that often make public life unbearable. Like the flies in summer, I suppose they are sent for some good purpose, but what it is few of us can understand. Look at our friend, Mr. Pearson, who would think that he had been under a stream of cold water for over two months. Mr. Pearson is made of the right stuff, and is just as able to withstand the cold water brigade as he brushes aside the fly in summer I take this opportunity of publicly thanking Mr. Pearson for the hard work and energy he has put into the organising of "this "Carnival. I have been asked if. this Carnival marks any particular event in our history. I think we may well claim this as our jubilee. It was just 50 years ago that the first survey of Yorketown was made. It is also 50 years ago since the hundreds of Dalrymple and Ramsay were proclaimed, Melville and Moorowie having been proclaimed 3 years earlier. In 1869 businesses were established on the same Sites on which they now stand. The growth of the town depended on the development of these districts, so we might well accept this as our jubilee year. Not only is the district prosperous, but its people upholds the good name of all Australians. To use the words of the Rev. Mrs. Macpherson, "they are warm-hearted generous and responsive." Judging by ithe number of churches (in proportion to population I should say that no town in the whole of Austra-1m can equal it). We have six churches and a Salvation Army Barracks To the other attributes I might add * l i. o:f .P atnot,e - We have evidences of all these good qualities around us First the honor roll, then the three trophies gained by the district for having exceeded the quota in the War Lo^s. , a "<! Ia st, but not least, the Soldiers Memorial Park, to which the various soldiers' funds and district contributed thousands of pounds. I mention these matters to so impress visitors that it may induce them to f again make their home in Yorketown s I hope that in the near future we may extend our boundaries and that our P wealthy farmers will build here instead of in the city, and that at our B s next 'Back to Yorketown* carnival we may be able to present to you a s greater Yorketown." s T
Zvlr. Pcar:on thanked the chairman for his complimentary .remarks. he first refused to take the position of Organising Secretary, but on being pressed he had accepted. He was quite satisfied Yorketown was a fine place for Yorketonians. He read apologies from Sir Henry Barwell, Hon. T. Pascoe, Mr. B. Dunstone (Mayor of Kadina), Mr. S. Carter (who was in his 83rd year, and had opened the first school on Southern Yorke Peninsula), Messrs. J. Y. Barclay, Revs. J. Blacket, W. Reed, and others. He said things were different to what they were ">0 years ago, and they all felt grateful for what the pioneers and their good ladies that came with them, had done to make the Peninsula such a fine place on which to liye. He called attention of pioneers, visitors, and residents to a special book that had been prepared for the signature of all who cared to sign. This book will be preserved for all time under the guardianship of the Corporation of Yorketown. Mr. Robt. Newbold, Chairman of the Melville District Council, said he did not feel at all confident for the part allotted him that night, as it required a person of ability to stand before the pilgrims and patriarchs who were present. He felt humble in the presence of the men and women whose faces had been familiar to him for many years. The early pioneers had entered upon a great adventure when they forsook their homes and came to this barren country. Those present owed much to tne people who in the tarly days of the. State came, saw, and conquered. The pioneers had laboured, and their followers had entered into and continued those labours. The pioneers who laid the foundations of this part of South Australia had done so with courage and earnestness, and must have been obsessed with a clear vision of the future. They worked accordingly, and achieved success. No matter on what part of Yorke Peninsula one travelled there was always a "welcome home" at the cottage or homestead. The pioneers were men of public spirit. The love of sport which the present generation inherited had brought to them the proud title of "the finest soldiers in the world" during the great war; but sport sometimes entered too much in their everyday pursuits. He did not dccry sport. The speaker then referred to some of the early settlers, according Mr. Co iett pride of place, mentioned the religious fervour of the pioneers, the fact that the first Methodist Church on Southern Yorke Peninsula was erected in 1871 at Sunbury, and concluded a forceful and pointed address by wishing the pioneers every .happiness during the remaining years of their lives. Mr. F. Taheny (Warooka) said the words "Back to Yorketown" had been spoken in a very frivolous and sarcastic way -by people who never took time to think. He referred to the little petty jealousies between town and town. He said what if one town does goes one better than another. What did it matter. We were all Australians from Perth to Sydney and Darwin to Adelaide. What is the meaning, the deeper significance of the words "Back to Yorketown." To those who were here in years gone by it has a much deeper and more historical meaning. For 50 years we have sailed along over the rough and the smooth and never thought fit to halt and examine our position. Now we have halted just to glance back and see where we are. In Yorketown there were many wise heads, including medical heads, theological heads, financial heads, editorial heads, and any amount of agricultural heads. There must be some wisdom in the wisest of these heads that if a motor trip was taken amongst our various industries, farms, and factories which have sprung up during the last 40 years to tell us what will be the state of affairs and our resources 50 years hence. He had met men who never fail to see the dark side and never trv to see the bright side. He had as jnuch faith in this country as . the youngest present. He said three jinain factors stand out prominent in 'History and prosperity of the Peninsula—the stripper, invented by Mr. Ridley; the stump-jump plough invented by Mr. Smith, of Ardrossan; and the bag of super, introduced by Sir — Lawes. No meeting such as that, says the speaker, should allow the opportunity to pass without mentioning those threp;names and placing them high on the.roll of honour. During the evening an excellent programme 'qf-vocal and instrumental music was\wel! carried out. The items were interspersed with selections by the audience, including "The Song of Australia," "Lead, Kindiv Light," "Coming Home," "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "Till We Meet," and "Good Night." The following ladies and gentlemen provided items on the programme, and eacfi and all greatly assisted in the success of the gathering, viz., Mesdames A. E. Aldenhoven, C. N. Carpenter, S. G. Goldsworthy and B. Thiele, Misses E. Lines and Taheny, Messrs. Mackinan and C. A. Horne. The Yorketown Brass Band provided excellent music prior to the opening of the meeting. Mr. W. P. Riddle conducted the band and also the community singing. Mr. E H Giles (President of the S.Y.P. A.H. and F. Socity) extended a hearty invitation to visitors to attend the show. A supper and Tiomelv dance closed a successful gathering.' Tuesday, October 10. PIGEON MATCH The pigeon match proved most successful in spite of the strong wind which favored the birds. The Morning Sweepstake was won by Mr. McKenzie, a "Back to Yorketown" visitor. Mr. H. Heinrich, of Miniaton, came second. Mr. J. L. Ward, +lso of Minlaton, secured the blue ribbon in the " Back to Yorketown " Sweepstakes. Mr. Ward put up a. i-.-.e performauce, shooting from cratch. Mr. D Cook, another Miuiatonite, was placed second. D. reseott aud D. Cook were first and econd in the S.Y.P. (Sweepstake. oth of them did some really good hooting. The Consolation Sweeptake was divided between them. he official were:—Handicapper, Mr s t .7. L. Ward ; Committee, Messrs. T. Dugan, H. Heinrich, J. L. Ward aud J. E. Pearsou. TENNIS. A very enjoyable afferiioan was speut ou the local tennis courts, and, in spite of unfavorable weather conlUtione, a good number of players assembled. Everyone expressed themselves ns having had a very enjoyable time. Afternoon tea, which was supplied by the ladies, was much appreciated aud greatly added to the success of the afternoon. The following ladies and gentlemen took part :— Mis. S. Grabia, Misses H. Rechner, j W., V., and J. Fergnsou, D. Burton, F. Skinner A. Croser and M. Edmunds, Rsv. Father McNamara, Messrs. R. Rob rig, W. R. Kelly, M. Degidan, P. G. Dreher aud M. Weideuhofer. COMMUNITY SINGING The Towu Hall was well filled at night, when the whole evening was given up to c^nnnuuity singing. A regular weekly practice had been held for tiiis particular gathering, and the promoters were well pleased with the result. In addition to the large nnmbar of choruses rendered by the audience the following ladies and gentlemen rendered vocal and instruct eutal items: Mesdames B. Thiele and H. Aldenhoven. Misses Taheny, Lines, and Daly, Messrs. Warhurst aud Home. Thursday, October 12. PICNIC RACE MEETING The picnic race meeting was a most successful function. The Committee and the Organising Secretary had worked real hard for success. At the close of the day their efforts were fully appreciated, and expressions of approval were given to Mr. Pearson, who had spared no pains to bring about a most successful day's sport. There was a large attendance, with good financial results. The fields were good, with classic finishes. The "Back to Yorkctown" Handicap was the best racc, with the closest finish seen in the district for a decade. The officials were:—President, Dr. W. H. Russell; Stewards, Dr. Russell, Messrs. F. Taheny, G. T. Egan, A. H. Heinrich; Committee, Messrs. T. Horgan (chairman), N. H. Eichner, G. T. Egan, W. Haby, M. J. Griffin, A. Domaschenz, R. Kinnane, C. X. Richardson, G. E. Mac Donald, C. Jun^; Judge, Rev. Father McXainara; Handicappers. Dr. Russell and Mr. R. Kjn-! 1 nane; Starter, Mr. A. C. Hewton; Clerk of Scales, Mr. A. Aldenhoven; i Clerk of Course, Mr. W. Lightbodv; ' Scratching Officer and Assistant, Messrs. Stuart Woods and H. Kaibel; Treasurer, Mr. R. Kinnane; Hon. , Secretary, Mr. J. E. Pearson. The results:— Maiden Stakes (S furlongs)—Lady j Schirle, 1; Paddy Maginty, 2. Novelty Pony Race (5 furlongs)— Clever Jim, l; Molly Bawn, 2. "Back to Yorketown" Handicap (7 furlongs)—Spider's Hope, 1; Alarmifcn, 2. A great race. Won by half a head. Hack Race (5 furlongs)—Excursionist, 1; Royal Anierst, 2. Time Handicap Trot miles)— Sparkling Belle, 1; Lubra, 2. Ladies' Bracelet (»> furlongs)— Waddv, 1. The races were held in Mr. P. O'Dea's paddock (kindly lent for the occasion) on Waterloo Bay Road. THE CHILDREN'S FROLIC The children's frolic proved wonderfully successful—the event of the week. Great praise is due to Mrs. Lamshed (organiser) >md her committee—Mesdames H. E. Aldenhoven, R. O Law, W. Rohrig. E. H Giles, Os. Rechner, and M ss Vera Fergusou (pianist), also to the mothers, who spared neither time nor money to make this children's event so successful. The children were artistically gowned, and the effect was beyond description. They looked beautiful and happy, and thoroughly entered into the spirit of the frolic The Tow a Hall was far too small to accommodate the " Back to Yorketown" guests and the public. This picture of lovely, happy, smiling children will be long remembered by those who were present. Financially tLis proved to be the most successful function of the carnival. "Truly a labor of love.*' The peach-blossom decorations, which were made by the children, greatly improved the appearance of the hall. Friday, October 13 GRAND BALL » This function was well organised, and much praise is due to the committee (Misses Skinuer, Olga Friebe, W. and V. Ferguson, G. Aldenhoven, M. Till, M. Domaschenz, B. Starr, H. Rtohner, aud D. Burton). The Town Hall was strikingly decorated. Visitors were present from all parts, and J everyone had a gcod time. The ladies -were beautifully gowned, and looked charming. It was a very difficult matter to say who really was the ! 1 belle of the ball. One " Bdck to Yorketown " guest remarked, " What lovely crcafures; why did I leave I Yorketown r i " The Yorketown Or-| chestra provided the music, which was of a high standard and much appreciated. Tbe catering, which was first-class, was supplied by Ellis Limited, of Adelaide, the ladies providing fruit salads, jellies, trifles, etc. The floor was perfect, being prepared by Messrs. J. Howlett, P. Dreher and J. Ballard. Mr. Ken. McLean was M.C, and, in hip usual tactful . matiti'.r, was most attentive to *' Back j [ j | ! to Yorketown " guests. Mr. McLean has done much in his unassuming | way to make the whole Carnival a ; uccess. This was the fuuctiou where he Organizing Secretary (Mr. J. E, Pearson) did really lee himself go.
He appeared to be the live wire of the ball, aud is reported to have said that that night's pleasure had fully repaid him for his work of the whole Carnival. THE POPULAR MAN COMPETITION There was no great amount, of interest shown in this competition. The following is the final result of the voting--O. H. .laehue, 1454; N. V. Richardson, 772; T. Horgan, 297; W. Croser, N. H. Eichner, Jas. Ferguson, tuid E. H. Giles, 252 each. The result was announced at the Town Hall on Saturday night last. ; VARIOUS On Monday the guests wore tiken for a motor trip to Lnke Fowler and Honiton districts. On Ftiday a visit was paid to Warooka. The visitors were delighted with the outings. Duting the latter trip rm inspection of the Yorketown Batter Factory was made. Mr. N. G. Witcombe richly earned the praise of the committee for piloting the party on both days. The school children aro reminded that the Essay Compe.itioa will close on Saturday, 0<;t. 28, at (» p m. All communications to be addressed to Mr. J. Pearson, c/o PIONEER Office. Much praise is due to Messrs. E. E. Lloyd, H. Thomas and E. Friebe for the tasteful interior decoration of the Town Hall, and also to those citizens who decorated their premises and the streets with flags and bunting. At the Town Hall on Saturday evening, October 14, the Organizing Secretary thanked all who had helped to make the Carnival a success. The' committee sent invitations broadcast. Paragraphs were sent to the newspapers throughout the State, and the residents were invited to apply for tickets for their friends.
Pioneer (Yorketown, SA : 1898 - 1954), Saturday 9 December 1922, page 3
The first prize of 7.6 offered by Mr O.s. Rechner for the best essay on the Back to Yorketown Carnival was won by Sydney Solly of the Oakland s School. Elsie Latty won the second prize cf 3/-, and Keith Latty third prize of 2/-. The second and third prizes were donated by Mr. Pearson. Six essays were sent in, and were all written by scholars of the Oaklands School.
This carnival was first suggested by Mr. Pearson, the Organising Secretary. We must thank His Worship the Mayor (Mr. James Ferguson), and Mr. Pearson for their work and trouble in the Carnival. When this carnival was first spoken of many people thought it a good idea, while others opposed it. Dainty little invitation cards were sent to old residents who left Yorketown when there were only a few houses to be seen. Yorketown was having her jubilee of fifty years when this Carnival began. The people in the town had more opportunity of witnessing the events than we had. Saturday, October 7, began the week of festivisies. Soldiers' Sports were held on the Memorial Park and a Hospital Fair in the evening. Sunday the Baptist Church Anniversary was held. Monday morning visitors went for a motor ride and in the evening a reception was held in the Town Hall. Tuesday pigeon and tennis matches were held, and in the evening the Community Singing was very much appreciated. Wednesday was a public holiday, and the annual Show was held. Although the day was not to nice as it might have been, it was not noticed by the people so very much. Thursday was Race Day and in the evening a Childrens frolic was held. The children looked beautiful in their fancy costumes and their actions were like fairies. Friday afternoon a cricket match was played by the visitors, and in the evening a Grand Ball was held. Saturday was the Children's Day. A procession started from the Town Hall, headed by girls with decorated parasols. They marched to the Memorial Park, and those with parasols lined up in font. The first prize was a camera awarded by His Worship the Mayor, Mr. James Ferguson. Races were held for the children. Then we were marched around and each received a bag of sweets, two oranges, and a bun. A cool drink wan also given to us. In the evening pictures were held. A crowd filled the hall. There had been votes for the most popular man. Mr. Jaehne secured the top score. Sunday was the Methodist Church Anniversary, and was the last day of the Carnival. Those who went home dissatisfied that week cannot blame Mr. Pearson, for he did all he could to give everyone an enjoyable time. All over Yorketown flags were flying, thus this Carnival wilI be remembered for ever.

THE END OF 1922.
The year 1922 practically went into oblivion with a bang. It seemed as though the Weather Clerk had kept a good tough blow in reserve for the holiday-makers. The first practical demonstration took place on Christmas Eve, and the Clerk distributed his pent-up energy in sections throughout the State. At Yorketown the streets and shops were thronged with an eager and happy people. They were all bent on securing the usual gifts and presents, which help so much in the spread of happiness and contentment in the family life of the community. The boisterous wind which blew with such terrific force entirely cut off negotiations, and in very many cases both buyer and seller were disappointed. A heavy and continuous rain followed, and over 28 points were registered at Yorketown. Some of the outlying farmhouses felt the full force of the windy frolic. Reports from various directions indicate that much damage was done. Mr. W. Sherriff had all the iron and woodwork of his barn roof scattered in all directions. One sheet of iron climbed into a tree for shelter. Half of the Brentwood Institute roof was blown off, whilst the other half was shifted out of its correct position. At Edithburgh Mr. Calnan's shed roof ascended skywards and descended into Mr. Bramley's yard, carelessly covering the buggy. During its air-flight it cut through the whole of the telephone wires in Blanche Street. Mr. C. S. Robert also had the roof of his shed lifted heavenward. No contractor could move a shed anything like as quickly as this one moved. Trees were blown down in all directions, as well as other damage being done. During the boisterous week that followed Mr. R. R. Robinson's stable at Oaklands became unroofed. The sheets of iron were bent like paper and wood splintered and scattered everywhere. At Cape Spencer jetty a strong canvas tarpaulin, which covered a consignment of plaster, snapped its fastenings on the weather side and stretched out almost as stiff as a board for two solid hours. The men on the jetty found it impossible to control it until the wind abated. At Warooka hundreds of bags of grain and sheaves of hay were still in the paddocks, consequently the farmers had to turn out and reverse the bags to prevent the barley from sprouting. It was fortunate that most of the crops had been harvested. The salt lakes round Yorketown received an additional baptism. This delayed scraping for an extra week or two. Taking it all round it was a very poor display of holiday weather for Dad, Mum, and the Kids.
Visit or Archbishop Spence.
On Sunday afternoon last His Grace the Archbishop (Most Rev. R. W. Spence, O.P-, D.D.) who had arrived the previous afternoon, performed the ceremony of blessing and laying the foundation stone of the new Catholic Presbytery at Yorketown. The building is situated on the main street and between the old Presbytery and St. Columba's Church. The architects responsible are Messrs. Woods, Bagot, Jory, A Laybourne-Smith, and the contractors Dutton Briant Limited (Mr. Charles Soutar, foreman), both firms of Adelaide. The house will contain seven rooms complete with every modern continence, and is to be built of local limestone. Solidity and usefulness are the the main features of the structure, and all necessary decorations are rigidty avoided. The roof is to be of bungalow fashion.
Prior to the ceremony a Benediction service was held in the Church in the presence of an attentive congregation, after, which a large concourse of persons from all parts of the Peninsula assembled in front of the new building and His Grace, who was attended by two acolytes (Masters Cyril Jones and Jack Kinnane), proceeded to bless the stone, Rev. Father McNamara being the intonator, this being followed by the Archbishop dexterously handling a neat silver trowel (presented by the architects) and then declared the stone well and truly laid.
Rev. Father McNamara, the parish priest, iu introducing the Archbishop said His Grace did not rtq-iire an introduction to some of the older people prese .t, as he had visited Yorketown on a previous occasion, bat not on so pleasing a duty as the present. Under the A<chbUhop the dicc ee had been progressing both in adherents an.t bnildingp, and he was willing to come to Yorketown to tiiv^ his blessing to the foundation stone of the presbytery. He (the specter) hoped Ilis Grace would again vi«it Yorketown in a few months' time, when the uew structure would be opened. Most of tli i-e who did not attend the little church on the hill were of a very sympathetic nature, and they were there that day not only to welcome the Archbishop. t>ut also | to give a helping hand. The people of j Yorketown pulled together. On be- ' hilfof Irs own people, and ho might say on liehtlf of the people of Yorketown and district, he extended a hearty Tfol/^nmn welcome to His > Grace I- x LA A Archbishop Spence sad Father McN iiQita wou d make a good showman, as in his introductory remarks h • had attracted the atcentiin of (he people to gaze directly upon himself (the speaker), and he wanted them all to have a good look at him. j (Laughter) It was about '23 year* ago that he came as a nuVs:oner to Yorketown. He we'l remembere 1 in trying to get into tin o d church on that Sun-lay they hid to wade th:ouJi water, and o i c iming . ut a h >rse aud buggy had to be u*ed to p[ ce t hem on dr> laud. lr was ».ot n- ws t-> huu tjo hear that the people of Y rk^ivn were t-yiupalhuiic— he knew that 2J yeirs t.go On «h it urc» ion the non-Cathoiics displayed mu .li tour.e-y «n I £Oodfe'low ship. They proved ih*nj reives go.>d Austrdians. Theie w.is no smad-iHifidc'/nesi in Australians except by a few bigot.«—wnall insects calle i bigots. I he old.- r people of the district lememberrd the old chuich with its two rooms attach-d, the latter being used in numer. us ways The t»me came, h..wever, \vhen the Catholics of the district determined to have a presbytery for their ptrish priest. Tiiat buil ling next di-r wts ml n jw buitable for present requiiemerits, aud his peop'e lud deci ied to er ct a new preibyUiry. The peopl.; of the t >wu were the pioneers of the progress that had Ijeen made. Even if their grandfathers could ci.ine hack t» Yorketowji they would lie fil ed with wouder at th- change* that lial taken place. In 10 cr 15 y. a's the residents of the PeninsuU would be able to cross the Gu«f by aeroplane iu the morrim?, !l and l T y return _" Ut . ,ll home . eir ljUsiae in time ? s fur the lunch City. | l"he aeroplaue was ju<t as saf-; as the boat, the t'bin, or the motor car a d that mode of travelling was sure io come,. Trai .s would not be in it when the aeroplanes caiue into me ; The speaker nude reference to immi gration and unemployment. He also said if the people of Australia were not happy thi fau t might p -ssib'y hi founl amoiig-t themselves, lie was pirlicu arly p'ea^el th it the Catholics weredoinu th-ir bit in their endeavors to beautify the town. He was m-jro than pleased to he r from F«thef McNamara thit the greatest good feeling existed jhroughout the parish. 1 The very best citizens ihat could be ' found in any comoiunity wer.^ among the Jatholics baciuse they had certain principles to Lang on ti—they were anchored to the trirh No man w;u b>und to ohey the l.iws of a country if they were not in accordance w»th th j laws of (!oil. In conclusion hii Giace spoke iu high praise of the manner in which the nit n employed in the erection of the buil iing were wiliiugiy and cheerfully carrying out their duties He once again desired to thank everyone present for their attendance there that afternoon. (Applause,) j
Mr. R, J. Kiniianfi said he had make a most important announcement, —namely, the collcction would now be taken. The building belonged to the Catholics of the piri-li, a»i'l llsi y were asked f • subsrvih.- ,i-:ennliji; Ki I heir meaiis. Is'on C-.ttholie;- would not be asked to coaU'ihut<>, but if they desired they c uld F'o so Afternoon te» would be I eld iu the Town lLdi and he extended a cordial to invita'ion to one and all to foipgather there, en joy not. «nly a cup of t«a, but achat wiih Hi^ 'Jrace the Archbishop, Mr. W. R. Kelly, in moving a vo'e of thanks to the Archbishop, said the occision of <h« itlessin*: of the, foundation stone of the Pr. sbytery mirked an tpoeh in the history of Catho'ieity in their parisli. His Gracc's policy was one of progress un l peace—peace with all minkind. His Grace had presided oter the destinies of thrir Church in tlii-; State when most strenu oils U"«otry had la-en in existence He again thanked the Archbishop, not only on behalf of ihe Cat'iolies of the parish, but, ho was sure, on behalf of all present. Me srs. A. Malnr (Minlaton) and T. Taheny (Warooka) seconded and and supported the vote xespect ivuly. Father MeN T amara in conveying tli * vote to (he Archbishop, thanked all tho-e pres-.nfc—Catholic an-i no:i Catholic-for th< ir mark of respeittothe Archbishop and to the Catholic community. Dr. Spencp, in reply stid lie w is deeply grateful to those »entl--men who had spoken so kindly of hwa. He boued" that the visible pr.-gres* wou'd still c -ntiuue throughout the parish. Men like Mr. Keily were just the kind that would assist iu lifting any town along. Mr. Kelly was one of the straighte^t and whitest men in j Australia. His Grace also in pleasing terms referred to Messrs. Mahar, j j Kinnane, and Taheny. He mentioned that ihe older Mr. Tahtmy got the more eloquent he became. After the c mtributor.^ had pUecd their donations on the foundation | st -ne a iirgt- number procredctl to the | Iccal Town Ilili, where an enjoyihle • afternooa te-i was parUken. Darmg ; the proceedings Archbishop Sp« nco mingletl wit li the people, cxteuding a kindly w.«rd to young and old. During an interval Miss Eiieeu Taheny ( War ooka) rendered lielieve rue if aU those emieariti4 >'»ung clnrm^." Miss Ei r-n O^ly, A.L.C.M., bi-inj the accompanist. ' tol a ' amount placed on the sUuie w;is £321 4 . i he est of the Presbvterv " will Ije Eomrthing like £3000. | On Sunday a- out. 20 men fat down • to dinnrr ut Mr-. < i Deu'i r«?>i Jence adjoining the t hurch. A l.uliej' com j mil tee had providrd the iepa->t, which w-18 principally arranged f-ir the woikmen at present einpl.yd on the eroc | [ tion of the presbytery, Mr. 0. Soutar, foreman for Dutton Ibianl Limited, thanke-i the la iies for'In ir thoughtful an i kind!> *cti- n | j ; : j ! 1 t ;
Town Improvements
Mr. W. S. Harris has made extensive alterations to his premises in Main Street, and the work has been well done by Mr. H. G. Smith, builder of Yorketown. The new addition, extending for 72 feet with a width of 35 feet, has been added to the western side of the old shop. This new wing will be mainly used for the Drapery Department, but will also contain the sections for household hardware, carpets and linos. The extensive plate glass windows are now showing a wide range of blankets and quilts. The old drapery shop is being modernised for a men's wear department. The centre shop will still be used for the supply of groceries, tools, paints etc. A large bulk store has been erected at the back of the premises. Mr. J. W. Chinner recently purchased the buildings next to Mr. Alf. Friebe's shop in Main Street, occupied for so many years by Mr. R. T. MacFarlane. The old buildings have been demolished and a new structure is being erected' by Messrs. Smith & Turner. Plateglass windows will extend for the full width of the frontage. Mr. Chinner will occupy the new buildings, which will include a showroom for Horwood Bagshaw's machinery. The blacksmith shop at the rear of the new buildings, is being renovated and will still be used by Mr. L. W. Chase, who will also have office frontage to the Main Street.
Yorketown Jubilee Programme
The following arrangements were made for Yorketown's Jubilee Week at a recent Committee meeting : On Tuesday, May 8th, Triangular School Sports with Maitland Area School, Minlaton High School and Yorketown Area School will be held at the Soldiers' Memorial Park, commencing at 10 a.m. On Wednesday, May 9th, a Procession, including floats, decorated vehicles, bicycles, motor cycles and perambulators, will take place, and will proceed along Main Street, arriving at the Oval at about 11 ajn., when Judging will commence for the prizes which, it is hoped, will be donated by local people and the business houses. Hot water will be avaJlp.b!f. and lur.ch will be Sn picnic style. In the afternoon a very exciting programme has been arranged. Football — Yorketown Football Team v. R.S.L.. and Yorketown Veterans v. Yorketown Women's Team; Basketball — Yorketown Basketball Team v. Yorketown Area School. On Friday. May 11. the "Ball of the Year" will be held — a Fancy Dress Ball — when prizes will be given for : Best Fancy Costume <«ady and gent). Most Humorous Costume 'lady and gent). Most Original Costume (lady and gent). Best Sustained Character (lady or gent). Best Dressed Couple. * As this is Yorketown's Jubilee Week the Committee desires that the public of the town and district take part whole-heartedly, and help to make it the success that it should be. For the Procession, the following bodies are asked to enter : Red Cross, C.W.A.. R.S.L.. Yorketown Area School, Football Club, Tennis Club, Toe H. Yorketown Old Scholars Association, Storekeepers and any other business bouses, with a special request to the Bngnell's Well people for their usual humorous entry, and anyone else who wishes to take part. The football will be well worth going to sec, as Veteran 'Bulier'
Monday, April 30th. is Yorketown Area School's "Pioneers' & Explorers' Day." Unfortunately, no records of scholars' names for the year 1901 exists, and the Head Teacher (Mr. W. C. Laidlaw) has asked us to publish a request that persons who were attending school at Yorketown in that year contact him as soon as possible, so that arrangements for the day may be facilitated. "Pioneers' and Explorers' Day" is, of course, part of the Jubilee Year Celebrations.
Jubilel Celebrations
Pioneer (Yorketown, SA : 1898 - 1954), Friday 27 April 1951, page 2, Trove
VETERANS versus GIRLS (by "Jubilator")
I haVe been requested to write a small preview of the big "Veterans v. Girls" football match at Yorketown during Jubilee week. The Girls are keeping pretty quiet about it so far, but the Veterans are not so secretive. "Buller" Jaehne is going to mow 'em down with that iron hip of his; nothing will be able to reach "Frog" ('Aeroplane') Whitcher soaring for a mark and Frank Twartz, with a few well-directed shoves in ruck, will knock back even the strongest pposition. Harry Mitchell, with his speed and clever placement of the ball; Jack Chinner, one of the finest stab kicks ever; "Nugget" Westley, a four-quarter ruckman of no mean ability; Cyril Barns, a great centre man; Bill Laidlaw, diminutive rover who will be more slippery than an eel to catch; the "Riddle" of the team — tall Angus — and plenty more old-timers will line up. They reckon they will have a walk-over, but I am not so sure. Can you imagine Syd Westley or Gus Riddle in a skirt? My bet is that the "weaker sex" are Just going to run circles around their husky opponents, who will probably be praying desparately for the final bell long before three-quarter time. Some of the girls are pretty swish basketbailers, and know what to do when the ball flies to meet them — and besides, the Veterans being gentlemen, will be somewhat handicapped by having to play like gentlemen—despite their precent boasts that "we'll lay 'em low !" This match Is going to be well worth seeing — there's been absolutely nothing like it for years. And after the girls have finished with the old blokes, there will probably be nothing like it ever again. so don't miss out on this one opportunity, come along and cheer for your favorites. The following names have been mentioned for selection in the match: Veterans O. H. Jaehne Capt.). F. W. Whitcher <V.-Capt, F. Twartz. C. M. Bams. S. Westley, D. R. Goldsmith. K. Giles. C. R. Warren. J. W. Chinner. S. Peterson, D. Kildea, T. Plummer, W. Laid-A. Kirsch. W. Sherrlff, H. Mitchell, L. A. Riddle. Chum Moore. J. F. Honner. C. Daniell, L. South. N. Eichner. T. Bilney. L. Bansemer, L. Goldsmith, Eric Mitchell. Girls: D. Gillard (CaptJ, H. Moore (V.-Capt ), C. Skeer, M. Kildea, H. Barns, C. Ingram, J. Page, J. Chinner, C. Chinner. V. Laidlaw. D. Davies. S. Cheadle, M. Jones, C. Bar tram. H. Giles. J. Limb. D. Allen. R. Jones, W. SherrifT, M. Hoile. [Any persons eager to participate should immediately contact the Jubilee Celebrations Committee Secretary. Mr. Rohrig].